We help you discover and learn new things, enrich your life, and exchange ideas with our materials, technologies, and experiences.
Get a library card
Your library card opens up our rich collections, programming, and resources. Any Skokie resident can apply for a card. We also have options for businesses, teachers, residents of other suburbs and the city of Chicago.
Getting Items
Browse the collection in person and check out materials using a self-serve kiosk or by visiting a help desk. Cardholders may also request items to be reserved for pickup either at the library or on the bookmobile.
Learn more about placing and picking up holds
What to Expect
Learn about our health and safety procedures before you visit.
Learn what to expect when you visit
Get here and get help
Find out when we're open, how to get to the library, and how to get help.
Learn about our hours, location, contact information
Our bookmobile is a mobile library that brings books, DVDs, and more to locations throughout Skokie.
Requests for Proposals
As we develop and improve our services and facilities here at the library, we may issue requests for proposals.
Items for Sale
We sometimes sell things that are no longer needed in the library.
Apply for a job
Do you have something unique to offer the library and the community? Check our open jobs list and apply to work here.
Who we are
Great people make a great library.
Get to know the Board of Trustees and our staff.
How we operate
Get a better sense of what we do and how we operate. Read our policies, our strategic plan, our culture statement, and our annual review.
See what records we maintain
Watch us in action
We regularly post videos to YouTube and images to Instagram that capture some of the amazing things that happen at the library.