Voter Information

Check out the resources on this page for information on registering to vote, where and when to cast your ballot, which candidates are running for office, and more.

For additional questions about upcoming elections, contact the League of Women Voters of Evanston Voter Hotline at 224-724-9677. If no one answers, leave a message and your call will be returned shortly. The League of Women Voters also provides resources for voters with disabilities.

Our recent blog post provides resources for upcoming elections. 

Visit the Village of Skokie for additional information on the 2025 elections. In February, the League of Women Voters of Evanston and Skokie Public Library sponsored a series of candidate forums for the municipal elections. The recordings of those events are now available: 

How to Vote

There are several different ways to vote. See which one is right for you.

Early Voting

Skokie has two early voting locations: the Skokie Courthouse (5600 Old Orchard Road) or Oakton College (P103-104; 7701 N. Lincoln Avenue). However, if you’re a Skokie voter, you may vote early at any designated location in suburban Cook County. See a full list of early voting locations and hours.

For the April 1, 2025 Consolidated Election, Early Voting will take place March 17-31.

Voting By Mail

Any registered suburban Cook County voter may request a mail ballot. View information about voting by mail in suburban Cook County and fill out the online application. The deadline to apply is five days before an election. 

Return your ballot in the mail or find a ballot drop-off location. Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day in order to be counted.

Voting In Person

Polls open at 6 am and close at 7 pm statewide. Check with your local polling place to find extensions or changes. 

Voters can bring newspaper endorsements, printouts, sample ballots, and smartphones to the voting booth. However, you may not take a selfie in the voting booth or photograph your marked ballot; it is illegal in Illinois.

Preparing to Vote

In order to vote you'll need to be registered. You can find detailed information on how to register on this page under General Information. You can also learn about the candidates and issues on the ballot.

Your Sample Ballot and Local Referenda 

To view your Sample Ballot and learn about Skokie-specific referenda follow these steps: 

  1. Visit the Suburban Cook County voting portal. 
  2. Choose “What Is On My Upcoming Ballot?” and enter your address. 
  3. Click "Submit." 
  4. Click “View The Ballot.” 

Any referendum items are at the bottom of the Sample Ballot.

For all other questions, visit the Suburban Cook County voting portal.

Learn About Candidates

Check the Cook County Clerk’s Office for a list of candidates in the upcoming election. Other resources include:

These above resources may not always have information about candidates in local elections. In that case, individual candidates may have campaign websites that tell you more about them. 

You can also look in local newspapers, like the Skokie Review, and check to see if there are candidate forums being held here at the Skokie Public Library, at other local libraries, through the League of Women Voters, or other local organizations. If you need any help with your research, please reach out to us.

These websites provide ratings and qualifications of judicial candidates:

Learn About Elected Offices in Skokie

The Village of Skokie uses the Council-Manager form of government. Skokie voters elect members of a council, Skokie’s Board of Trustees, which is made up of the Mayor and six Trustees. The Board decides policy and hires a Village Manager to oversee the day-to-day operations. 

The Village of Skokie has more information on the responsibilities of the Board and the Village Manager. We've provided a quick breakdown as well. 

  • The Mayor serves on the Board, has veto powers (which the Trustees can overturn with a two-thirds majority), and breaks ties when the Board votes. The Mayor is also the Village’s Liquor Commissioner.
  • The six Trustees also serve on the Board. As a result of referendums approved in November 2022, two of the six Trustees are elected at-large, which means that all registered Skokie voters can vote for candidates to those positions. The other four Trustees are elected from Skokie’s four electoral districts. To find your district, the Village of Skokie has a map delineating the district boundaries. 
  • The Village Clerk is also elected by Skokie voters and is primarily responsible for election services, including voter registration and filing candidacy for local office.

Boards also set policies for Skokie school districts, Skokie Park District, and Skokie Public Library. Skokie voters elect the members of those boards, though you will only vote for the school boards of the school districts where you live.