Books, movies, more

With millions of items in our collection and an expert staff of bookworms, film buffs, and music geeks, we can’t wait to guide you and your family to great books, movies, and more.

A library patron wearing a mask and flipping through a book on the Book Club Favorites display table on the first floor of the Skokie Public Library.


We have many ways to help you find and engage with good books. See how our recommendations, curated lists, book discussions, and BookMatch service can help you. We offer services for local authors too.

Visit our books page

Do you have a book club? We're interested to learn more about it. Fill out this form and a staff person will get in touch to discuss how we can connect with you.

Graphic Novels

Graphic novels come in all shapes and sizes. They can be educational or fun, like the superhero, sci-fi, fantasy, crime, horror and mystery genres. We have a wide selection for kids, teens and adults.

Magazines & Newspapers

We have periodicals aimed at the general public as well as those targeting very specific niches from cat lovers to crocheters and everything in between. You'll also find a variety of newspapers including foreign language papers.

For digital editions, check out OverDrive for magazines and PressReader for periodicals.


Whether you’re a cinephile or a B-movie junkie, we’ll help you get more out of your screen time with staff reviews and curated lists. Check out new releases, see what's coming soon on DVD and Blu-Ray, and download and stream movies on Hoopla.

Visit our movies page

eBooks & downloads

Keep up with technology and the changing ways people interact with content. Learn how to get great books, movies, and music delivered to your tablet, smartphone, or computer.

Visit our eBooks & downloads page

Video Games

We have games in all categories: strategy, sports, action adventure, simulation, RPG, and even educational. You will find a game for almost any system including Xbox360, XboxOne, PS3, PS4, WiiU, and Nintendo 3Ds.

Check out our new and coming soon games.


We have CDs available in all styles of music, including jazz, pop, rock, classical, and world. Check out our new releases or sign up for monthly updates of what's coming next.