Home » Books, movies, more » Bookmatch for Kids » Bookmatch for Kids Satisfaction Survey Bookmatch for Kids Satisfaction Survey Tell us how we did! * indicates a required field. Name * What did you think of your/your child's Bookmatch for Kids? * How personalized did our suggestions feel to you/your child on a scale of 1-5? * 1 2 3 4 5 1 = Not at all, 5 = You totally get me/us How many titles from you/your child's Bookmatch for Kids will you/your child read? * All of them More than half Less than half None of them Would you use our Bookmatch for Kids service again in the future? * Yes No Is there anything else we should know? Can we follow up with you via email if we have questions? * Yes No Email (optional) Submit We respect and safeguard your privacy. This form is secure.