Observing Pride Month June 2022
June 3, 2022

This June, we reflect and celebrate Pride. Although it began as a protest for civil rights the year after the Stonewall Uprising, Pride has evolved into a joyful affirmation of all members of the LGBTQ+ community. It’s a time to highlight different perspectives and lived experiences while bringing awareness to all of the work that has been done and needs to continue to ensure that the civil rights of LGBTQ+ folks are protected.
When you think of Pride, you may think of the Pride parade, but Pride is a celebration that lasts all of June. We’ll be celebrating with events and activities for all ages, beginning with Rainbow Crafts for kids on Wednesday, June 8.
For adults, on Tuesday, June 21, we’re showing the film I Carry You with Me, the story of a relationship spanning decades, borders, and hardship. June’s adult book discussions focus on Devil's Chew Toy, a light LGBT-centric mystery centering on a missing crush. You can join the discussion on Goodreads or watch our staff discuss the intrigue on Instagram.
We’ll round out the month by taking a closer look at the connections between LGBTQ Art and Activism in a presentation by Hannah Chaskin, visiting assistant professor at Northwestern University.
Do you want to learn more? Our staff create lists that highlight books, movies, and music for every age and interest level. You can always ask staff for recommendations when you visit the library, or get a custom list for yourself using Bookmatch or Screenmatch.
We’re lucky to have the Midwest’s foremost LGBTQ+ archive and library nearby. The Gerber/Hart Library and Archives preserves the history and culture of the LGBTQ+ communities in Chicago and the Midwest, advancing the larger goal of achieving justice and equality. You can listen to a half-hour podcast about their story, or check out their online exhibits.
The Studs Terkel Radio Archive has also collected interviews especially for Pride by the renowned Chicago writer. These recordings informally trace LGBTQ history over Terkel’s lifetime. Another great audio resource is last year’s Pride Playlist, made by library staff and perfect for an at-home dance party!
Want to celebrate with others close to home? The Skokie Park District is hosting Skokie Pride, a party in Oakton Park on Sunday, June 26, celebrating Pride with music, entertainment, games, crafts, food, and fun!