A Message for the Graduating Class of 2020
May 18, 2020
To the graduating class of 2020:
Audre Lorde wrote: “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
Whether you are graduating from 8th grade or high school, this message is for you. On behalf of my colleagues at the library, I want to share our congratulations and our best wishes for the future. Many of you have spent countless hours at the library studying for tests, meeting friends, and volunteering your time to be of service to our community. Many of us library staff have had the pleasure of watching you grow over the years. We’ve seen students tinker with tech in the BOOMbox and the Lab before going on to learn coding and other skills. Young readers in the Booking with a Buddy program have become Big Buddies themselves.
When I started working at the library in September 2015, today’s high school seniors were just starting 8th grade. In May 2016, I gave a ton of high fives to 8th-grade graduates I got to know that year. Four years later, I’m sending my best wishes to those same students as they graduate from high school. It has been very special for me to have known this class of high school graduates since 8th grade.
As for today's 8th graders, we have loved getting to know you. We’ll be here for you as you start high school and face all the excitement and challenges to come.
Graduation is a time to reflect on accomplishments and to prepare for what’s next. Whether you’re just starting high school or you are headed for college or work, this next chapter will require strength.
These are uncertain times, but what we know for sure is that we are proud of every one of our students. Graduation is a milestone for each individual graduate, and for the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, and friends that have rallied behind each student.
Skokie Public Library joins families, schools, local organizations, and the Village in loudly and proudly celebrating 2020 graduates all over Skokie and Niles Township. We see you and the hard work you’ve done.
We would like to recognize a number of graduates who have volunteered their time at the library: