Teens in Action

Learn about how the First Amendment affects you, how young people have made an impact locally and nationally, and get inspired to make your voice heard.

What is it and how does it work?

Teens in Action (TIA) is a way for middle and high school students to earn service hours independently and on your own schedule. Research, read, review, and complete projects to support yourselves, your family, and the community. 

Our current theme is “Speak Up!: Take Action for Your First Amendment Rights.” Download a kit at the bottom of this page for everything you need to participate.

Does it matter which causes I support?

We offer this nonpartisan volunteer opportunity to help inform you so that you can stand up for causes that you are passionate about. For information about our library’s vision, mission, values, and priorities, please check out our Strategic Plan.

Do I have to complete everything?

Absolutely not! Complete as much or as little as you wish. Just keep track of your hours in the online timesheet.

How do I track hours?

Track your hours using our online timesheet. Add your hours as you go rather than at the very end. Submit one timesheet for each activity. Some activities require you to include additional items, like photos or facts you learned. We track attendance at all volunteer events, so don’t worry about completing timesheets for the “Attend!” downloadable kit.

How long will I have to complete TIA?

We will accept timesheets through April 25, 2025. 
