SEED Seminars

A photo of a dandelion seed head with a sunset in the background. Text reads: SEED Equity Seminars

Skokie and Niles Township SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) offers equity seminars for people who live, work, or have children who attend school in Skokie and Niles Township. The 10-month program will be led by facilitators trained by the National SEED Project, whose mission is to drive personal, institutional, and societal change toward social justice. Originally created with educators in mind, the flexibility of SEED makes it adaptable for different groups, creating a powerful experience for people who play all kinds of roles in their communities and organizations.   

What is SEED?

Through activities and conversations often stimulated by videos and readings, participants explore their awareness and learning related to topics such as racism, race, gender, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, religion, abilities, and age, and how these factors affect their workplace, groups, and community. By offering personal stories and reflections, listening to others' stories and reflections, and learning together, participants deepen their understanding of themselves and connect their own experiences to the wider systemic context. People who complete this training often look for ways to help create more inclusive, just, and equitable communities.

Join a SEED Seminar

If you are interested in SEED and would like to learn more, contact Sheila Arad at

Impact of SEED

Previous participants have said:

"I view the world very differently since participating in SEED. On a daily basis I am struck by some bias of my own or others. For myself, I work every day to overcome the biases I have and make choices both personally and professionally that hopefully create a more equitable space for everyone."

"It has made it easier to speak up when I hear something or read something or see something that isn’t ok."

"I listen to others more deeply than before this training. I also have more empathy for people’s different points of view."

"At every opportunity, I share with my adult children, friends, church community, articles from the SEED curriculum."

"I was able to make connections with other community members with whom I interacted in a vulnerable and authentic way."

You can hear from others through this video created by the National SEED Project:

Skokie and Niles Township SEED Partners

Niles Township Special Education District #807
Skokie School District 73.5
Village of Skokie