
Plan for Profit Boot Camp: Women’s Business Development Center

Tuesday, November 14, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Business and Community Center

This two-session bootcamp walks entrepreneurs through completing market research to help determine whether their business idea will be successful.

Turn your business idea into reality with this hands-on workshop, led by Maura Mitchell, managing director of the Illinois Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC).

You will test ideas in a live market setting, streamline focus by identifying specialization areas, and carve out a distinct market niche. You'll gain the skills, knowledge, and practical experience needed to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this boot camp is designed to empower you with the tools to succeed.

What to Expect

Session 1: Crafting Your Business Model Canvas
Dive deep into the fundamentals of business strategy. Define your target market(s) with precision, identify their pain points, and understand their needs. You'll create a blueprint for your venture and articulate the value that sets you apart in the market, laying the foundation for your success.

Between sessions, you'll put theory into practice as you take your business idea to the real world. Engage with potential customers, gather feedback, and validate your assumptions. Mentors will support you every step of the way, helping you refine your concept based on real-world interactions. This week is all about learning and adapting as you gain invaluable insights into your business's viability.

Session 2: Refining Your Strategy and Practice Areas
Armed with insights from your marketplace testing, you'll return to the boot camp armed with knowledge. You'll narrow down the key areas in which you'll focus your efforts. Refine your business model canvas, incorporating the feedback and data you've gathered. With personalized guidance from experienced entrepreneurs, you'll develop a clear action plan that outlines your next steps toward success.

By the end of this workshop, you will have:

  • In-depth understanding of business model fundamentals
  • A targeted and effective value proposition that resonates with your audience
  • Real-world insights from market research interviews
  • Guidance to pivot and adapt your idea based on prospective customer feedback
  • An action plan for focused and strategic implementation

Online registration is closed.