
Diasporadic--Growing up in a Multilingual Home: Online Event

Saturday, February 20, 2021
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Discuss the experiences and challenges of growing up with intersecting cultural backgrounds. How does growing up in a multilingual household inform relationships within and outside the home?

During four weekly sessions, we’ll discuss:

  • Food (February 6) - Food is often a familiar way people connect to and share their cultures. How does food tie into family, ritual, and memory? Is there a dish, recipe, drink, or smell that makes you nostalgic?
  • Language (February 13) - Immigrants and children of immigrants may have a complicated relationship with the language(s) they grew up learning or hearing. How does understanding (or not fully understanding) language tie into one’s identity and culture?
  • Technology (February 20) - Technology and social media have been ways to connect immigrants and children of immigrants to one another. Does being virtually connected 24/7 also create feelings of disconnection?
  • Media (February 27) - Although there may be more visibility of marginalized groups these days, there is still a lack of complex representation of intersecting cultures. How does dominant media distort or align images of different immigrant communities?

Attend any or all of the sessions that interest you.

Registration closes at 10 am the day of the event. We will email the Zoom event link after registration has closed.

If you have questions about this event after registration has closed, please email the events team or call the library at 847-673-7774.

Online registration is closed.