Pokémon Go Community Day
Saturday, October 17, 2020
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
We're hosting a physically distanced Pokémon Go event on the Village Green to help you find this month's rare, shiny, featured Pokémon: Charmander!
If it has been a while since you last raided, traded, or battled others in Pokémon Go, we'll start at the Skokie Public Library Poke Stop (on the east side of the library near the Village Green) and make our way to available outdoor public spaces near the library as needed. Players can drop lures and activate an incense in the game to attract more Pokémon.
Participants are required to bring their own charged device with the Pokémon Go app, wear a face mask at all times, and stay at least 6-feet apart. Wi-Fi will be provided. New and seasoned players welcome!