
Resolve to Read More

Let me guess, you made some new year’s resolutions that you need some help sticking to--like perhaps you think that you should read more or read wider? Or maybe you want to try and meet new people? Or take more advantage of your amazing library? Book discussions are a great way to do all three of these things!

I hear from book discussion participants all the time that they are so glad they read a particular book because they never would have if it wasn’t for the discussion. And a discussion helps you think about a book differently. You may even realize that you enjoyed it more than you thought. The groups are a great way to meet new people that you already have something in common with--reading! I love the idea of a community of readers and this is one of the ways the library works to create that community.

I encourage you to try a discussion in 2017, it may be one of the best resolutions you made, and kept! Join us for these upcoming discussions:


Next discussion: January 11th at 7:30 p.m.
Grab a drink and discuss Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant? by Roz Chast. A New Yorker cartoonist, Chast presents this graphic memoir about dealing with her aging and ailing parents.
LitLounge meets at the Village Inn, 8050 Lincoln Ave. and is presented in partnership with the Morton Grove Public Library.

Adult Discussion

Next discussions: January 17th at 7:00 p.m. or January 18th at 10:00 a.m.
Join us for a discussion of Crow Lake by Mary Lawson. In this moving debut novel, after seven-year-old Kate’s parents die in a car accident, she and her four siblings are left to fend for themselves. Her older brothers have to give up much to take care of their sisters, with the harsh conditions of rural Ontario adding an extra layer of difficulty.

Visit the Reader Services Desk to sign up and get a copy of the book. We hope to see you at the library!