Summer Meals Available at the Library
June 9, 2021
We are continuing to partner with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to help get food to families that need it this summer.

We distribute meals for children younger than 18 and for adults with disabilities. Meals are distributed at 1 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays through June 18. Starting June 21, meals will be distributed at 12:30 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Check our calendar for any exceptions. (Some meals need to be refrigerated.)
Adults are welcome to pick up meals for their families (kids do not need to be present) or kids can pick up their own meals. You will find us outside, near the bins for returning materials on the south side of the library. If you are driving, enter the parking lot on the west side of the library and go past the loading dock. A line often starts forming 15 minutes before we start giving out the meals. Walking or on a bike? It is safer to approach from the east side.
We are just one of the organizations working to reduce food insecurity in our community. Here are some additional resources:
- Niles Township Food Pantry
- Local school districts, including District 219
- Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois for seniors
If you'd like to check whether you are eligible for the State of Illinois Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), use the ABE (Application for Benefits Eligibility) website tool. The Village of Skokie Human Services Department can help you apply for SNAP. They can also provide more information about local resources for you or your family.