
Be a Better Neighbor: Plan a Block Party

Do you know your next door neighbor? How about the family down the block who moved in last fall? It’s not always easy to get to know folks in your neighborhood. We’re all busy. We may be new to Skokie, new to the area, new to the U.S. We may not be particularly outgoing. That's why we're hosting a program to help you learn how to host a block party in your neighborhood.

One thing we learned from hosting ten community conversations with Skokie residents this past fall and winter is that many people in Skokie value living in a community with a diverse population. They want the opportunity to connect with people who are not like them. People also recognize it isn’t necessarily easy to do and they’re looking for ways to get to know their neighbors better.

Here’s what one community conversation participant suggested: “What about a class on organizing your own block party? Make it so easy that people feel like it CAN be done.” That question was repeated enough times that we thought we might be on to something. So we’re giving it a try.

“Once you start having block parties, they grow and provide a sense of hope. It’s a good thing.”

So, we’re offering this class on how to plan a block party. But more than that, we’re offering a class in hope. Because one of the other community conversation participants told us, “Once you start having block parties, they grow and provide a sense of hope. It’s a good thing.”

There's still space and we would love to see you there, so register now.