How Can We Help from Home?
March 24, 2020

One of the things I enjoy most about working at the library is interacting with patrons and coworkers. Even though I understand how necessary our temporary closure is, this time apart is difficult.
Rather than focus on the isolation, my 17-year-old daughter and I thought it might be helpful to share some ways we can work together as a community and for other people who are faced with challenging circumstances in their lives--not just during this pandemic, but all the time.
If you would like to join us, please explore the links below for writing letters, making cards, and drawing pictures or coloring. The websites for each organization includes addresses if you want to send yours right away. If you don’t have envelopes or stamps, or would prefer to participate with the community, hold onto your contributions until we reopen, then bring them to the Community Engagement office so we can bundle and mail them together.
Cards distributed to kids in hospitals and Ronald McDonald houses across the nation
Birthday cards and cards of encouragement for foster youth and their caregivers
Printable pages to color with crayons or markers with sentiments like “Thinking of You” or “Have a Great Day!”
Hand-written letters for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer
Short messages submitted online and delivered to refugees around the world
Letters of Love for the Elderly
Hand-written letters for people in nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, hospices, and senior centers
Personal stories about people who would benefit from a bundle of letters
Letters, notes, and drawings for first responders, military recruits, veterans, wounded heroes, and their caregivers