
Lifting up Early Childhood: Screening the Film 'No Small Matter'

Why do we care so much about early education? Because strong early education is likely to provide the highest return on investment to a community of any social support system.

Libraries have long supported early education for young children and their caregivers. Skokie Public Library is no exception. We provide dozens of storytimes and other events in the library each week. We also take part in many early childhood initiatives throughout the community. The bookmobile stops at neighborhood preschools. Staff lead storytimes throughout the community. We provide materials for preschool teachers and home day care providers to support their curriculums. And much, much more.

On Tuesday, January 28, we're screening No Small Matter. This film calls attention to the importance of a child’s first five years and urges us to invest in our children’s future. 

We're hosting the screening with Skokie's Early Childhood Alliance. The alliance includes local organizations that are advocating for and supporting young children and the adults who care about and take care of them. The alliance intends to do this work in ways that promote equity and that honor strengths and diversity.

The film screening and discussion are open to everyone. The primary audiences are parents and caregivers, educators, and community leaders. We're providing finger food and free child care. Ways to get involved in this exciting work will follow the film. Please register for attendance and child care.