Online Application Process

Skokie Public Library offers Skokie residents the opportunity to register for a library card online. Patron information will be verified by library staff when library cards are issued.


  • The applicant must check the "I have read and understand the Online Application Policy" box on the registration form. This signifies that the applicant agrees to take responsibility for all items borrowed on their card and to abide by all borrowing rules and policies.
  • Staff will check for the completeness and accuracy of the applications and make changes as needed.
  • Staff will check for duplicate entries before issuing a new card.
  • Patrons must sign the back of their cards when they receive them.

Youth cards

  • The youth online application includes the "I have read and understand the Online Application Policy" box, which must be checked by the applicant's parent or guardian. By checking this box, the parent or guardian is agreeing to accept responsibility for the account and to abide by all borrowing rules and policies. 
  • Completed cards will be mailed to the parent or guardian.

Cardholders are responsible for:

  • All materials checked out on their card
  • Payment of any lost/damaged items
  • Providing prompt notice of address change, including email address
  • Complying with all rules and regulations of the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS)